Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Cute Wisdom Quotations And Meaningful Proverb

Smell is a potent wizard that transports you across thousand of miles and all the years you have lived. by Hellen Keller Phrases

What nature delivers to us is never stale. Because what nature creates has eternity in it. by Isaac Bashevis Singer New York Times Magazine Nov 26 1978 Qutations

There is a negative proof of the value of Latin No one seems to boast of not knowing it. by Peter Brodie One liners

Today is your day Your mountain is waiting. So... get on your way. by Theodor Seuss Geisel Sayings

Nothing would disgust me more, morally, than receiving an Oscar. by Luis Bunuel

People think we make 3 million and 4 million a year. They don't realize that most of us only make 500,000. by Pete Incaviglia

An economist is a man who states the obvious in terms of the incomprehensible. by Alfred A Knopf

She cried, and the judge wiped her tears with my checkbook. by Tommy Manville

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. by Abraham Lincoln

[S]he refused to be bored chiefly because she wasn?t boring. by Zelda Fitzgerald 1922

We would never learn to be patient if there were only joy in the world. by Helen Keller

Experience is not what happens to you it's what you do with what happens to you. by Aldous Huxley

Nature loves a burst of energy. by Boe Lightman

Don't take the bull by the horns, take him by the tail then you can let go when you want to. by Josh Billings

The reason the Mets have played so well at Shea this year is they have the best home record in baseball. by Ralph Kiner

Nice Wisdom Sayings And Cool One Liner
nice famous phrases

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